What can you do with a career in Physics?

Have you ever walked across your room to open the door but got a shock instead? Perhaps you took off your sweater on a dry winter day and had a “hair raising” experience. Or maybe you performed magic tricks to you friend by lighting a bulb with a wire and potatoes. Do you think there’s […]

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15 Interesting and Weird Science Facts

Science is amazing. Constant innovation and discoveries have led to amazing breakthroughs in the science world. If you are looking for interesting and weird science facts, you have found the right place. Read on to learn more. INTERESTING AND WEIRD SCIENCE FACTS 1-5 1. In 2009 scientists used cloning to resurrect an Pyrenean ibex, as species of […]

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Which cheese has blue veins?

Blue cheese has veins and it is called so because the cheese cultures have had the mold Penicillium added at the initial stage of the cheese making process. The final product is spotted or veined blue-gray or blue-green molds alongside a natural crusty rind and an earthy appearance. The salty and sharp taste, creamy texture […]

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What Happens When You Eat Apple Seeds?

STORY AT-A-GLANCE Apple seeds contain amygdalin, a plant compound known as a cyanogenic glycoside When apple seeds are chewed or crushed and metabolized, the amygdalin turns into hydrogen cyanide, which is poisonous The cyanide is only produced if the seeds are damaged (i.e., crushed or chewed), so swallowing a few seeds whole is virtually harmless […]

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Who invented the sign language?

The boon of sign language comes as a miraculous aid to the deaf and the dumb people. It enables them to desseminate their thoughts the facial expressions, hand shapes and finger spelling. Sign language requires the right combination of movements, eye-gazes and hand shapes to convey the message effectively. Some scientists credit mankind as the […]

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