Who invented the sign language?

The boon of sign language comes as a miraculous aid to the deaf and the dumb people. It enables them to desseminate their thoughts the facial expressions, hand shapes and finger spelling. Sign language requires the right combination of movements, eye-gazes and hand shapes to convey the message effectively. Some scientists credit mankind as the inventors of the first likely pointed and created signs for those things they couldn’t talk about. Early man was probably the first inventors and users of the most basic sign language. Some people think that Juan Pablo de Bonet invented sign language. In the year 1620, Bonet wrote a book that contained the first known manual alphabet system. The hand-shapes in this system represented different speech sounds. Sign language is also used by the interpreters who translate spoken language to the people or family members who have a hearing disability or a speech disorder across all ages. Sign language is used in various fields like in the news channels meant for the deaf and the dumb community. Scuba divers also learn the language to communicate inside the water. Sign language is learnt by some due to its easy and fascinating communication strategy. Do you know? In July 2010, NASA astronaut Tracy Caldwell Dyson made history by bringing a new language to the International Space Station. In a six-minute video recorded on board, she spoke directly to deaf people around the world using American Sign Language (ASL).

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